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A Level Information Evening

Message from Mrs Jones​, Head of Sixth Form

Dear Year 11 Students and their families,

Welcome to the Sixth Form Open Evening webpage. The Sixth Form Information Evening for the 2024 intake will be held on Thursday 25th January from 18.00 to 20.00. This will be a live event held in school.

During this event you will have the opportunity to listen to presentations about what the Sixth Form can offer its students and speak to A Level teachers about studying in the Sixth Form. 

You will also find links to presentations from each of the A Level subject teachers about the curriculum we offer.

Finally, the Sixth Form curriculum brochure and application forms can be accessed using the links on this page.

If you have any questions about A Level study and studying at The Marlborough School Sixth Form please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 25th January.

Many thanks and best wishes

Mrs Jones​, Head of Sixth Form

Sixth Form Brochure 2024-2026

A Level Initial Choices and Destinations Day Form

The Marlborough School Sixth Form Application Form


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